Start Making Money Online By Leveraging Other People’s Products (O.P.P.) Using 4 DEAD Simple Steps!


If everything you’ve tried so far to make money online has failed. Things are about to change.

I’m going to share with you 4 very simple steps that you can copy right now to build a wildly successful online business to any level you want.

And by using these same 4 simple steps I’m about to share with you I earned $7,283.08 per month in 2023 from JUST ONE website.

2023 commisson payout

And what’s fantastic about these 4 simple steps is ANYONE can do them with the right guidance. And I mean ANYONE!

And that’s because it makes no difference what level of experience you have online. Even if you’re a total newbie who’s never made a dime online.

But, before I do…

Who Am I?

Hi, I’m Leo

Leo Emery
I started my online journey way back in 2000. At that time I was fed up working for someone else and being told how much I was worth. So I started looking for alternative ways I could make money.

But not just that, I wanted to be able to make enough money that I would not have to work for anybody else ever again.

And I saw so many other people talking about how they were making money online that I thought “heck if they can do it why can’t I?”

So I jumped in with both feet, and man did I ever hit the deep end. Because for the next 3 years I struggled to try to figure things out.

And not knowing what I know today I ended up getting scammed more times than I care to admit by so-called online experts and self-proclaimed gurus who supposedly could teach me how to make money online.

I even got sucked into an MLM during this time. But that’s a whole other story.


These so-called “gurus” that said they could show me how to make money online knew exactly what to say to get me to part with my hard-earned cash.

Because the reality is they didn’t care about me. Instead of helping me succeed. All they cared about was how much money they could suck out of me.

And I kept falling for it for 3 years. Thinking that “this one” will be different. But it never was.

It just ended up being the same useless crap training (if you could even call it training) just like all the other programs I wasted my money on.

And now I was back to square one. But now I had less money, was more pissed off, and more frustrated.

Sound familiar?

Maybe this has happened to you too?

So, I got to the point where I said to myself “things have to change”.

Obviously, the way I was going about trying to learn how to make money online was not working. 3 years of throwing away money on crap programs had proved that.

Yeah, I was a slow learner, but I did finally wake up.

So, my first step.

STOP chasing these make-money-online programs from people who said they’ve discovered some “secret loophole” or “weird trick” that no one has heard about for making money online. Or they have this automated push-button system for making money online.

Learn from my mistakes. And burn this into your brain.

There Is NO Secret Or Automated System For Making Money Online.
Never Has Been, Never Will Be!!

Ok, step one accomplished.

My next goal was to find a REAL mentor. And after some time, I did.

I need to mention during my search for a real mentor I was still working on learning how to make money online. But it was slow and I was still making mistakes.

Then in 2003, I met a man named Corey Rudl and it changed my life forever. Corey was an innovator when it came to internet marketing. In fact, Cory was the first to put many of the things we think of as common practice today online into practice on a large scale.

He was my first true honest mentor when it came to teaching me how to build a thriving online business. He was more interested in my success than what was in my wallet.

And for the next 18 months, I was under his guidance learning all that I could from him.

And within 3 months from the time I met Corey I made my first commission check (Oct, 4th, 2003). It was $319.11.

I was so excited to get that check, you would have thought I won the lottery. I even took a photocopy of it.

first commisson check

But this check was more than just money.

It proved to me that I could make money online when you’re being mentored by the RIGHT person. And it also confirmed that I could create a full-time income online and take control of my financial future.

And 15 months after getting my first commission check I was earning twice as much money as I was at my full-time job. And that’s when I made the decision to go full-time online.

Meaning I quit my job at the beginning of 2005. See ya, boss. And I’ve been making a full-time income online ever since.

Unfortunately, Corey’s life was cut short in the same year (2005) at the age of 34 when he passed away unexpectedly in a car accident.

Since his passing, a lot has changed online. But what’s not changed is people still want to learn how to make money online.

And because of that desire to learn how to make money online. There are more online scams than ever before from so-called self-proclaimed gurus selling garbage programs and selling false dreams of how to make money online.

And because there are, it makes it even harder for people to get the help they truly need when it comes to understanding how to make money online.

So, it’s been my mission (passion) to do what my mentor did for me and pay it forward and help you reach your online goals.

And that brings us here today. I’m here to help you. But that’s only if you want me to.

But I Need To Be Clear About Something

Building a REAL online business, and I’m talking about a business that satisfies and even exceeds all your financial needs. As well as a business you could even pass down to your children if you want to.

Building a business like that does not happen overnight. It takes time, energy, and effort to build. You MUST be willing to take action and do the work!

However, if you’re still looking for some get-rich-quick thing and thinking you can make money online with little to no work. Or with a push of a button.

Then you should leave this page right now. Because you’re just wasting your time here.

Look, I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just being honest.

But you have to agree, there’s no point continuing unless you’re willing to stop chasing shiny objects and that latest so-called secret for making money online. And focus, and put in the effort that’s required to build a REAL online business is there?

Still Here? Cool, because what I’m about to share with you is the REAL deal.

Here’s The 4 Simple Steps For Making Money Online

Okay, let me break this down for you.

Step One – Choose An Interest 

First and foremost, building your business should be FUN!! You certainly don’t want to end up creating another job for yourself.

And that’s why I absolutely love having an online business because it allows me to make money around the things I’m passionate about.

And to achieve outstanding success in your business you need to choose something that gets you excited.

Such as a hobby, a passion, or even something you have a huge interest in and you get excited when you talk about it and want to keep learning more about it.

This is known as your “niche”. You can also think of your niche as your “audience”.

Now the reason why you want to build your business around a hobby, passion, or interest is you’re going to be in your niche for a long time.

So you certainly don’t want to be in a niche you have little or no interest in.

Think about it.

If someone told you, you could make big money in the taxidermy niche but you have zero interest in taxidermy and have no interest in learning more about it.

How long do you think you would last in this niche no matter how much potential there was? Yeah, not long.

I know, an extreme example but you get my point.

Now your niche can be anything.

So, what’s your hobby? What’s a passion of yours? Or something you’re really interested in?

Maybe you love gardening? If so you can start with that.

Maybe you love parrots or maybe you’re into remote-controlled cars or bikes, kites, self-improvement, flowers, video games, health, gadgets & technology, or even socks (yes, I said socks).

Honestly, I could go on and on.

The reality is it makes no difference what your hobby, passion, or interest is. You can turn it into a full-time income online.

Now you can be in more than one niche. But it only takes ONE niche to create a very successful business online.

Step Two – Build A Beautiful Profit Ready Website (blog)

Your website is your foundation. All methods for making money online stem from your website. Think of it as your storefront. This is where you’re going to hang out your shingle and advertise to the world, you’re in business.

Now, when it comes to building a website this is where some people freak out, and there’s no need for that at all. Because nowadays building a website is a very EASY process.

Even if you’re a complete newbie at things you can build an amazing website. And do you know why I know that?

Because in a moment I have a video demo of a FREE website builder that you can use that will have your website up and running with 4 clicks and do it in less than 30 seconds!

Step Three – Attracting Visitors

To make money online every website needs visitors (traffic). Because without traffic there’s no way you’re going earn any money online.

So, it goes without saying generating traffic to your website is one of the most critical steps to building your business.

The good news is as of now (2023) there are over 4 BILLION people online researching and buying products every single day!

So, the opportunity to make money online is virtually limitless.

Now you can generate website traffic in 2 ways.

  1. Paid
  2. Free

Paid Traffic can be done in all kinds of ways. But I would say the most recognized way is paid ads like the ones you see on Google and other search engines.

google search

Now, if you’re just starting I would avoid starting with Paid traffic.

And the reason is that with paid traffic, there is a huge learning curve, and during this learning curve, you’re going to be spending money with zero guarantees you’ll make a return on your investment.

And this investment can cost you hundreds, even thousands of dollars each month before you make a profit and that’s if you do make a profit.

Here’s just some of what you need to master with paid advertising:

  • Define your audience (create a customer avatar)
  • Choose the right advertising platform (paid, search, native, social)
  • Monitor your ad performance (tracking)
  • Conversion rate optimization (A/B testing)
  • Build a landing page (design and copy)
  • Create your ad (copy and design)
  • Testing and refining your ad campaign
  • Retargeting and remarketing

And even after you have “mastered” paid traffic you’re still going to have to keep spending money to keep the traffic flowing.

So, unless you’re in a position to lose money with paid traffic. And you do have to be prepared to lose money. Paid traffic is not the best way to start as a beginner online marketer.

Now of course, if you want, you can do paid advertising but only once you’re in a financial position to do so. Meaning you have money to risk and it’s not going to hurt you financially.

Now the other way that involves zero risk, and just your time, is by using Free traffic-generating methods.

And the best method to generate free traffic is through Content Marketing. Now it’s true free traffic does take longer to develop.

But unlike paid traffic where your traffic stops when you stop spending money. With content marketing, the traffic that’s created can last for years.

I have content that I created years ago that is still sending free traffic to my websites.

However, there are specific steps you need to take in order to create content that has the opportunity to generate organic traffic to your website from search engines like Google.

More on that in a moment.

Step Four – Making Money (the best part)

Now that you have visitors coming to your website here comes the fun part.

Making Money!!

And you’re going to earn money promoting products and services that people are already buying through special programs called “affiliate programs”.

And these affiliate programs are 100% free for you to join.

affiliate marketing

And there are tens of thousands of companies out there with millions of products that are BEGGING for people like you to be their affiliate.

Companies like Amazon, Walmart, Dell, Best Buy, and the list goes on and on. You can also find products from companies in marketplaces like ClickBank, JVzoo, and Commission Junction.

If there’s something you’re interested in making money online with, there’s an affiliate program.

Examples Of Affiliate Websites Online Right Now

I love dogs, so I did a search on Google for “best toys for dachshunds”. Below are the top 3 results at the time I did this search.

google search dachshunds

So I clicked on the second result (Hepper) because it said it had a list of the top 10 best toys for Dachshunds. And like many affiliate websites, it’s run by a single individual.

On this page, you will find a list of each toy and detailed information about each toy including links where you can buy the toy. And each one of these links is an affiliate link.

affiliate link sample

So I clicked the Chewy link and it brought me to the Chewy website product page where I could buy this toy. And if I did buy it, the owner of the Hepper website would earn a commission.

chewy product page

So, Here’s A Recap Of These 4 Simple Steps

  1. Make a website around a hobby, passion, or something you’re really interested in
  2. Generate free traffic to your website by creating content
  3. Place relevant affiliate links within your content
  4. Earn commissions when people click them and buy

That’s Affiliate Marketing! 4 Simple Steps.

And this is very important, as an affiliate marketer you’re NOT a salesperson.

As an affiliate marketer, you’re simply sharing your hobby or passion with your audience, and while doing that you’re recommending products and/or services related to your hobby or passion.

And like I said, what’s fantastic about these 4 steps is ANYONE can do them with the right guidance. And I mean ANYONE! And that’s because it makes no difference what level of experience you have online.

I’m an active affiliate for several companies (niches). And by using the 4 simple steps I’ve shown you. Last year in 2023 this is what I earned from one of those affiliate programs within the financial niche.

2023 commisson payout

The Beauty Of Affiliate Marketing​

  • It costs absolutely nothing to become an affiliate.
  • You don’t have to have your own product or service.
  • You don’t have to deal with any customers.
  • You don’t need to carry any inventory or ship anything.
  • You don’t need a process any payments. Just collect your commissions.
  • You can build your business from anywhere in the world.
  • And because your business is online you can make money 24/7 (even when you’re sleeping).

And here’s one of the biggest advantages of affiliate marketing when you’re first starting.

You Can Build Your Business In Your Spare Time

Like many people, I started my affiliate marketing business while I was still working for someone else. This was perfect because I didn’t have to quit my job to start my business. This also meant I never had to worry about making ends meet while building my online business.

So, I worked on my business for a few hours in the evening and even more so on the weekends. And then when I was ready, I quit my job and never looked back. And I’ve been making a full-time income online ever since.

I know I keep saying this but it’s so important:

It makes NO difference if you have NO prior experience. ANYONE can do this!!

So, Are You Ready?

Ok, if you’re ready, I’m going to give you access to the keys to the kingdom sort of speak. And hook you up with everything you need to put these 4 simple steps into action.

Now, the place that has all the training, tools, resources, and support, you’ll ever need to build your business using these 4 simple steps is Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s inside Wealthy Affiliate where you and I are going to build your business together. YES! I said together.

I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2012. And year after year Wealthy Affiliate has consistently helped me grow not only my online business but also my marketing skills.

leo emery bio

​This is step-by-step, task-based, interactive training. Using the most up-to-date state-of-the-art training platform available online today.

And not only is this the absolute best affiliate marketing training available online. This is a community of over 2.6 million (and growing) like-minded entrepreneurs. All supporting each other while building their own online businesses.

Simply put…

You’re going to have everything you need to absolutely CRUSH it online!!

All of these results were achieved by people who started as complete beginners.

wa results

wa results 2

wa results

wa results

wa results

wa results


Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Niche Business Hub Here


Along With The Most Comprehensive And Up To Date Training
Here’s Some Of The Other Resources Inside Wealthy Affiliate


1) Business Hubs

The Bussiness Hub provides you with a centralized platform within Wealthy Affiliate. From the research to the content creation to the broader management of your business.

Every component has been specifically designed to facilitate the expansion and management of your online business. Depending on your membership level you can run up to 10 individual business hubs (websites).

Features include:

1) Direct Website Access  – This allows you to view all critical information in one glance, making administrative tasks easier.

2) Website Structure & Organization – Within this section of Hubs, you’re given an immediate framework of 10 categories, and 120 content ideas to kickstart the building of your site. You can add new categories for a better organizational structure, ensuring smooth navigation for you as you grow your business.

3) Milestones – Milestones are like a “progress map” With this you can track and celebrate all your content milestones as you move forward.

4) Integrated & Immersive Training – There is no more “where do I get started”, as it is front and center and fully integrated into where you are building out your actual business. It’s like having a mentor by your side, guiding you through each step of the process.

5) To-Do List – Writing Task Management – Managing your content creation process becomes a breeze with ‘To Do’ tasks. It organizes your writing responsibilities and directly ties them into Wealthy Affiliate’s SiteContent AI Article Designer. This streamlines the research to content process, and this can now be done more efficiently than ever.

6) Niche Content Ideas – Within this platform, you now have access to 26 categories (and counting) of content ideas, and these cover a broad range of different types of search terms. You can perform keyword research directly from these sections, and you can add them directly to your Writing Tasks “to-do” list.

7) Keyword Research Integration – Through the ‘Add an Article’ section, you can fire up keyword research at any time, find keywords, and then advance your keyword research with Wealthy Affiliate’s keyword research tool Jaaxy (which is built in). Keyword research has never been this simple, or integrated.

8) AI Article Designer – Through the ‘Add Content’ section you have access to the Article Designer. The Article Designer allows you to paint the picture of your article, and you can also ensure all of your ideas are incorporated into the outline.

Your outline is generated in less than a minute, drawing from the largest subset of content and ideas known to mankind. Here is where the skeleton of your content is nearly instantly carved out for you, and you can edit and approve the outline to then “write” out your content.

9) AI Author – Once you have created your content outline with the Article Designer. With the AI Author platform, you have a choice between two content creators. Either a Professional Copywriter or a Conversational Blogger. These authors will breathe life into your content outline.

The AI Author you select will tailor your article, infusing it with a flair that resonates with your intended audience. After you choose your Author, and ask it to write… minutes later, your article is going to be ready.

2) Website Builder

All the training in the world is not going to do you much good if you don’t have a website. Well, no worries there.

With wealthy affiliate you can have your website up and running with 4 clicks and in less than 30 seconds.

Watch the video below and you can see the web builder in action:


3) Domain Registar 

Your domain is your business address online. It’s where people are going to find you online.

With wealthy affiliates Site Domains, you can find, register, and manage your domains within wealthy affiliate. No need to go to an outside registrar like GoDaddy to buy your domain.

Plus, with wealthy affiliate your domain registration also includes for FREE.

  • Website hosting
  • Email
  • WHOis privacy protection
  • domain security
  • DNS Automation
  • An SSL certificate (HTTPS security for your site)

Simply put. You can do everything effortlessly and seamlessly within wealthy affiliate.

4) Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

A keyword research tool is a must-have when it comes to generating content that can send unlimited FREE traffic to your website.

Other companies are charging hundreds of dollars per month for keyword research tools. But with wealthy affiliate you have access to Jaaxy absolutely FREE!

And with Jaaxy, you’ll be able to find high-value low competition keywords to create content for your website that can rank high in the search engines and drive free organic traffic to your website.

You can quickly do searches such as this:

jaaxy search

If you look at the QSR that is the number of competing pages in Google for the exact search term you are researching. Anything under 100 is considered a low-competition keyword.

Not only do you have access to Jaaxy you also have access to a full suite of additional tools:

  • Site Rank – Find and track where your website is ranking in the search engines.
  • Keyword Lists – Manage and export your keyword lists and ideas.
  • Alphabet Soup – Explore and uncover 1,000″s of keyword variations.
  • Search Engine Analytics – Research and spy on a website’s ranking data
  • Niche Trends – Find and track trending niches for your business

5) Affiliate Program Search 

Using the Affiliate Program Search you can easily find over 10,000  affiliate programs (products) to promote that align with your niche (interest/hobby/passion).

affiliate program search

This is a HUGE time saver. Not only can you instantly find affiliate programs and join that affiliate program. You’ll also get information regarding:

  • Payout Options
  • Product (program) information
  • Commission Percentage
  • Commission Currency
  • Minimum Payout
  • Available Countries
  • Network fee (if there is one)
  • Auto Approval
  • Rating

6) Niche Finder 

The Niche Finder is the latest tool added to Wealthy Affiliate and is available to all members. You can use the niche finder to find niches in an instant, and also build out ideas within your respective niche business.

niche finder

7) Weekly Live Training Webinars

Every Friday you can attend a live training webinar. Jay who is the in-house trainer covers a variety of topics ranging from personal branding, case studies, website design, email marketing, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, and SEO.

And that’s just a small sample of the topics covered in these live webinars. Jay’s done well over 600 of these live webinars and counting.

jay training

And if you can’t attend the live event on Friday. Every webinar is recorded. Allowing you to watch them when it works best for you.

He even hosts what’s called the Hot Seat. And this is where he’ll review a member’s website and show you how you can improve it.

And you have access to all these webinars for free.

8) Outstanding Support

One of the most popular support features inside wealthy affiliate is the 24/7 Live Chat Feature. Anytime day or night no matter where you live in the world you can get help from the community.

But not only do you have 24/7 live chat support. Wealthy affiliate offers several other support channels you can take advantage of. Including personal support from the owners of wealthy affiliate Kyle and Carson. Along with the whole wealthy Affiliate community.

And of course one-on-one support from me.



And if you have any technical issues with your website you can simply contact the amazing people a Site Support 24/7, 365 days per year.

And within minutes whatever issue you’re having they will be there to sort things out for you.

Simply put. You have support on demand.

help center

9) Like-Minded Community

Currently, wealthy affiliate has over 2 million (and growing) like-minded members from all over the world. And not only that, you’ll find some of the most successful affiliate marketers in the world inside wealthy affiliate. All of whom you have access to.

10) Member Added Training

Another fantastic resource is the training that’s added by the members themselves. You’ll find some of the most successful marketers inside wealthy affiliate that are happy to share their expertise when it comes to every aspect of online marketing.

That’s what I love about wealthy affiliate is the willingness of everyone to support and help each other.

And here’s a cool bonus, if you have any knowledge you would like to share with the community you can do that, and get paid for it too! I’ve been paid many times for the training I’ve added to the community.

And That’s Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

I’ve just scratched the surface when it comes to what’s available inside wealthy affiliate.

Wealthy affiliate is always updating and adding to their tools, resources, and training keeping you ahead of the internet marketing curve and giving you every advantage when it comes to building your business.

The internet is not stagnant, and neither is wealthy affiliate.

Ok, So What’s The Cost?

The cool thing is Wealthy Affiliate is completely FREE to try for 7 days. You don’t even need a credit card or any other payment information to create an account.

What’s great about the free starter membership is it allows you to get a real feel for what’s ahead of you and see if this exciting journey is for you.

And if after spending time inside wealthy affiliate you decide it’s not the place for you – you can simply leave. There are no contracts or commitments of any kind.

Here’s what’s included with the free starter membership:

One Limited Business Hub – Through the business hub, you’ll go through the process of choosing a direction for your business, aligning that with a brand, and getting your website up and running. Your Hub (website) also includes free hosting and a free SSL certificate (HTTPS security for your site).

Level 1 Core Training – There are 8 lessons in the core training. In this series, you’re going to be learning all about the fundamental basis of building a successful business online. By the end of this series, you are going to have a solid foundation set out for your business, a domain, and a brand, and a business that is primed for scaling and growth

7 Days Of Limited Support – With your started membership you will be able to communicate directly with me, Kyle/Carson through our profiles. You will also have the ability to ask questions directly within the training.

Jaxxy Starter – Jaxxy is the Wealthy Affiliate research tool. With the free membership, you get 30 free searches.

SiteContent AI Article Designer – You have access to wealthy affiliate’s AI technology to create and publish amazing content (1500 word credits).

Wealthy Affiliate Boot Camp – There are 8 lessons in this training. This series is going to get you up and running with your foundation for a successful, long-term business promoting Wealthy Affiliate. This includes how to best manage your website, the initial build-out of your website and the core content pages, and getting your WA review in place.

By the time you finish either one of the initial 8 core lessons, you’re going to have your brand up and running and have a solid “growth” foundation in place.

Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Niche Business Hub Here


Now, if you decide wealthy affiliate is for you and you want to continue building your business. Then you have the option to upgrade to a Premium Membership.

And with the premium membership, you’ll have access to all of the advanced training as well as all the additional tools, and resources that wealthy affiliate provides.

Here’s what’s included with the premium membership:

  • The FULL 20 core training lessons, ongoing Expert Classes, video blogs, real-time discussions, etc.
  • Intermediate AI (artificial intelligence) training. 
  • 3 FULL business hubs (websites)
  • Unlimited 24/7 – 365 live chat.
  • Private messaging and one-on-one support from me.
  • Private messaging to any other premium member.
  • Private messaging to Kyle & Carson (owners).
  • Personal blog.
  • Website security package.
  • Website backup.
  • Weekly live video training webinars.
  • Link tracking software.
  • 3 free websites with free hosting on wealthy affiliate’s hosting platform.
  • 10 additional marketing classrooms.
  • Affiliate program (2x higher payout).
  • Advanced affiliate boot camp training related to the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate.
  • 1000’s of hours of supplemental training videos.
  • Affiliate program search.
  • Jaaxy lite keyword research tool. No need to spend additional money on an off-site keyword tool. It’s included.
  • Niche finder – 50 searches per month.
  • Websites Platform – everything all in one place to easily manage your websites.

wa website dashboard

  • Site images – (over 1,000,000 optimized images).
  • Membership updates.
  • Domain registration platform (includes, email, WHOis privacy protection, Domain security, DNS Automation and free SSL certificates (HTTPS security for your sites).
  • Affiliate Program Search

The Premium membership is only $49.00 per month.

Quick Action Bonus: If you upgrade to a premium membership within the first 7 days of your starter membership you’ll receive 1 FREE Domain. Now you’ll be fully equipped and ready to go.

They also have a yearly membership option which is only $497.00. That’s a 2-month off discount. So, you’re paying for 10 months and getting a 12-month membership. ($91 per year savings).

There is also a Premium Plus Membership available. This is the membership I have.

With the Premium Plus Bundle, you have access to everything the Premium membership offers, plus additional bundled services:

  • 10 FULL business hubs (websites).
  • Advanced AI (artificial intelligence) training.
  • 200+ Expert Classes Per Year.
  • Niche finder – 100 searches per month.
  • Advanced Website & Hosting Package.
  • Advanced Hosting Security Suite.
  • Priority Expert Private Help.
  • Jaaxy Enterprise – More advanced keyword research which includes: Instant Competition Analysis, Keyword Idea Generation (1300 results), 5x Multi-Threaded Search, 10,000 SiteRank Analysis Scans, and Automated Domain Availability Search.

The Premium Plus membership is only $99.00 per month.

Quick Action Bonus: If you upgrade to a Premium Plus membership within the first 7 days of your starter membership you’ll receive TWO FREE Domains.

Now you can save BIG if you take advantage of the yearly Premium Plus membership option.

The yearly membership option is $697.00. Compared to paying for a monthly membership for a year it would cost you $1188.00. But by paying for a yearly membership you can save $491.00.

Of course, you don’t have to pay for a yearly membership. However, since the resources and tools within Wealthy Affiliate are at the core of my business, paying yearly for my Premium Plus membership makes the most financial sense for me. Plus, I LOVE saving money, hell who doesn’t?

Also, no matter which membership you choose if at any time you decide wealthy affiliate is no longer for you. You can simply cancel your membership and walk away.

And Remember…

You’re Not Going To Be Doing This Alone

I will be with you every step of the way while you’re building your business.



Now, You Can Work Hard Or You Can Work Smart

With anything, there’s always a hard way or a smart (easy) way of doing things.

The hard way of doing things is trying to go it alone. Honestly, you could leave right now with these 4 steps and go it alone if you wanted to.

That’s totally your choice.

Now I’m not saying you can’t do it alone. But trying to fit all this together on your own can be a challenge. Especially if you’re brand new to online marketing.

I certainly don’t want to see you get overwhelmed, confused, or even frustrated enough where you think of quitting.

I don’t want to see you quit. I want to see you SUCCEED!!

So, instead of struggling to try and figure things out on your own, for who knows how long? A month, 6 months, a year, or maybe longer.

You can work smart.

And The Smart Way Of Doing Things Is…

      • NOT trying to go it alone
      • Having someone who’s there ANYTIME you need a hand. That’s me. A multiple 6-figure a-year affiliate marketer
      • Having access to the most up-to-date training, tools, and resources to build your business
      • Having access to 1000’s of other online marketing experts
      • Being part of an interactive community of over 2.6 million (and growing) like-minded entrepreneurs
      • Outstanding support including 24/7 live chat support
      • And So Much More!


By working smart you can get your business up and running using this proven 4-step formula starting RIGHT NOW!! Not months or years from now.

How’s that sound?

So, Now It’s Decision Time

I’ve been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2012 so I know what they have to offer you. It’s because of wealthy affiliate that I have been able to elevate and grow my affiliate marketing business into a multiple 6-figure-a-year income.

But of course, only you can decide if building an affiliate marketing business and taking advantage of wealthy affiliate is right for you.

I’ve Held Nothing Back

I wanted to be sure I was completely transparent so you can make an informed decision about building your own thriving online business using affiliate marketing as the business model.

      • I’ve shown you the 4 simple steps for building a thriving online business.
      • I’ve introduced you to the best resource where you have everything you need to build your business to any level you want.
      • Personal one-on-one support from me while you’re building your business.

When I first started online, I struggled for 3 years. And it wasn’t until I found a true mentor who cared about my success and not what was in my wallet that I started succeeding online.

And I want to do what my mentor did for me and pay it forward and help you reach your online goals.

kyle testimonial

So my question to you is:

Are You Ready To Start Building Your Business?

If you’ve come this far, I’m going to guess you are.

And if I’m right, let’s get started.

The first thing you need to do is create your FREE account at Wealthy Affiliate. (no credit card information is required)

Once you’ve created your free account. I’ll be in touch with you and then you and I can get started building your business right away.

You have nothing to lose by creating a free Wealthy Affiliate account and so much to gain!!

Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Niche Business Hub Here

I believe in you!

And I hope to see you on the inside!


I want to make sure I answer all of your questions so I added this FAQ section with the most popular questions I’ve been asked about wealthy affiliate.

Q) Is It Really Free To Join?

Yes, it’s really free to join.

There is no catch. You don’t need a credit card or need to provide any other payment information to open a free starter account. All you need is an email address, your name, and create a username and password and you’re good to go.

As I’ve mentioned what I like about the free starter membership is it allows you to get a real feel for what’s ahead of you and see if this exciting journey is for you.

And if after spending time inside wealthy affiliate you decide it’s not the place for you – you can simply leave. There are no contracts or commitments of any kind.

Q) So How Long Does It Actually Take To See Results?

I get asked this question all the time and from the success stories above you can see there is no hard and fast rule.

But with that said I have seen people put what wealthy affiliate teaches into action and have seen results in as little as 30 days. Now these are not life-altering, quit your day job let’s go to the beach results, and they’re definitely not typical, but they are results all the same.

Now with that said if you commit to building your business, realistically you’ll start seeing results within 6 to 12 months. And by consistently working on your business every day your results will grow and grow.

Remember you’re building a REAL business and that takes time. And if someone or some program is telling you that you can start earning HUGE money with a click of a button and do it overnight and you don’t have to do a thing, run far and run fast. I guarantee you it’s a scam.

Wealthy Affiliate is NOT a get-rich-quick program. And if that’s what you’re looking for, then wealthy affiliate is definitely not for you.

There are plenty of people making make 6, 7, and even 8-figure incomes. And it’s all because they focused more on building a business and less on making money. I know it sounds crazy but once you focus on building a long-term business.

And I mean a business that you could pass down to your children – that’s when you start making the level of income that you want to make.

And members of wealthy affiliate have created the incomes that they want simply by following through on the training.

But remember this: All the training in the world does you no good if you don’t put what you’re being taught into action. And it’s no different with the training in wealthy affiliate.

Q) Is Wealthy Affiliate An MLM?

No, wealthy affiliate is not an MLM. With an MLM there is an upline and a downline and in order to build your business, you have to recruit people into your downline all the time. And your income is based on the work of other people in your downline.

Now wealthy affiliate does have an affiliate program if you choose to recommend it to other people. But your income is based on your efforts alone and no one else.

Q) Is Affiliate Marketing Itself Like Network Marketing/MLM?

Affiliate marketing is NOT network marketing or MLM.

Affiliate marketing is a way of making money online where you’re rewarded for helping a business by promoting their product or service.

And there are tens of thousands of companies out there that are BEGGING for people like you and me to come work alongside them.

Companies like Amazon, Walmart, Dell, Toys r Us, Best Buy, and the list goes on and on. If there’s something you’re interested in making money online with. There’s an affiliate program.

Also, with affiliate marketing, you’re in total control of every aspect of your business. Unlike an MLM your income does not depend on how many people you recruit or being forced to buy the MLM company’s products each month to qualify for your commissions.

With affiliate marketing, your income is determined by the volume of sales you have.

Also, with affiliate marketing, you get to decide what you want to market. With an MLM company, you have no choice but to sell whatever products the company you’re involved with has.

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Q) Can I Market My Own Product Or Service?

Absolutely you can.

Affiliate marketing is the monetization model taught by wealthy affiliate. But all the training about building and growing your business still applies, you’re simply monetizing your business in a different way by selling your own product or service.

There are many, many members that have used the training inside wealthy affiliate to build and grow their online business by marketing their own products or service.

Q) Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam?

This is the most asked question I get. And the answer is NO it’s not a scam.

Wealthy affiliate has been around since 2005 and it’s going to be around for a very, very long time. And you don’t grow a community of over 2,000,000 people if you’re scamming people. And you certainly don’t get a 4.8 out of 5-star rating on Trust Pilot if you’re a scam.

trust pilot

With that said, sure you’re going to have your detractors of wealthy affiliate, and yes some will go so far as saying it’s a scam.

But I’ve been around long enough to know that people that call a legitimate company a scam are usually just frustrated because wealthy affiliate is not a get-rich push-button program promising to make you money overnight. So people give up and then claim wealthy affiliate does not work.

It takes time to build a REAL business. And I can tell you it’s not going to happen overnight.

And yes you’re going to have some challenging days. I’m not going to sit here and tell you every day will be sunshine and rainbows because it won’t be. There will be days when you will want to toss your computer out the window. I’m speaking from personal experience.

But if you go into this knowing that you will have challenging days and it’s going to take time, hard work and you stay focused on your goals. Believe me, you’ll be just fine.

And also know I’ll be with you every step of the way if you do decide to become a premium member of wealthy affiliate.

Oh and aside from all that. I would NEVER associate myself with any scam product or service. I like going to sleep with a clear conscious.

Q) This Sounds Like A Business In A Box?

If you mean does wealthy affiliate have everything you need to build and grow an online business? I guess you could call it that.

You have everything all under one roof, from free hosting, training, market research tools, 24/7 support, and one-on-one mentoring not only from me. But also from the owner’s Kyle and Carson and so much more.

Q) Are There Any Upsells?

No, there are no upsells.

I’ve lost count of how many programs I have reviewed where there is upsell after upsell. These programs tell you it only costs “X” amount of dollars to get what you want. But that’s a lie. To get the “VIP” stuff you need to pay this much more.

Well, you won’t find that with wealthy affiliate.

Yes, you have the option of upgrading to a premium membership but it’s not pushed on you. And if you do upgrade to premium you don’t have to buy anything else to gain access to everything.

So there’s no secret “VIP” area, or “one time offers”. Once you upgrade to a premium membership you get access to everything.

Q) Do I Have To Pay More When New Things Are Added To Wealthy Affiliate?

No, you never pay for any upgrades.

In fact, in the entire life of wealthy affiliate, there has only been one price increase. It went from $47 per month to $49 per month.

And the main reason they did this was to distance themselves from all the other make-money-online programs that use the “7” dollar pricing model. You’ve seen it – $47, $67, $97.

Kyle and Carson (owners) are constantly updating things inside wealthy affiliate to make building your business even smoother. And you’ll never have to pay extra for these updates and improvements.

Q) If I Cancel My Premium Membership At Wealthy Affiliate Will I Lose My Website?

No, you won’t lose your website. As a premium member, you get free hosting for any domain name (website) that you own.

This could be a domain you have bought through wealthy affiliate. Or a domain you have transferred from another host to wealthy affiliate to take advantage of the free hosting that comes with your premium membership.

If for whatever reason you choose to cancel your wealthy affiliate premium membership you have 30 days to transfer your website to any other hosting company you choose.

Now the free websites (SiteRubix) that are included with a membership are owned by wealthy affiliate. However, any content that you have on that website is owned by you.

So, you can download all your content from that free website to your computer. This way when you buy your own domain from any domain registrar you can upload your content to that website.

Q) Is Wealthy Affiliate Really Newbie Friendly?

In a word YES!

It makes no difference what level of experience you have online.

Everything is all laid out for you step by step. You simply follow the steps and do the required tasks for each step. And then move on to the next step. Of course, doing so at your own pace.

Now I’m not going to sit here a tell you that there won’t be challenges because there will be. When doing something new you’re always going to have challenges.

And that’s what’s so great about the wealthy affiliate program (community) you’re not doing this alone. Anytime you need a hand or have questions the wealthy affiliate community has your back.

Psst, take a look at the answer to the next question.

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Q) Will You Help Me?


Along with the support and help you have available to you through the community and 24/7 live chat. You’ll be part of my private coaching group where I will be with you every step of the way while you’re building your business.


Q) Can You Guarantee My Success If I Join Wealthy Affiliate?

Absolutely Not!!

No one can guarantee your success. And anyone that does is lying to you and they’re just after your money. And they’re going to tell you what you want to hear to get it from you.

Q) Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth The Money?

The truth is only you can decide if wealthy affiliate is worth the money.

And the best way to do that is to compare wealthy affiliate to other programs.

What you’ll find more often than not, is that these other programs are much more expensive than wealthy affiliate. With some costing over $3000.00.

And with those high-price programs you still have to pay for things like hosting for your website, a keyword research tool, and so on. With wealthy affiliate all that and more is included with your membership.

Q) Are There Any Added Expenses?

Now of course you can buy all kinds of additional tools and services that you want. But when it comes to the tools, training, support, and resources to build your business. It’s included within wealthy affiliate.

The only additional cost would be the cost of purchasing your own domain name. And you can do that through wealthy affiliate itself. And that will cost you on average less than $15.00 per year.

Q) Can I Get A Refund For My Membership?

No, there are no refunds on paid memberships. However, if you do decide to cancel your membership you will still have access to the community up until the time your membership is due to renew.

Q) So What’s The Catch With The Free Membership?

There is no catch.

Hey, I completely understand the skepticism. It’s a free membership, who does that? Wealthy affiliate does.

The whole point of the free membership is to give you the opportunity to evaluate the whole community and what it has to offer. This way you can make an informed decision whether or not wealthy affiliate is right for you.

There’s no bait and switch here. There are no upsells, there’s nothing to lock you into their membership. That’s why they don’t ask for any payment information. All you need to do to create a free account with a username, email address, and password. That’s it!

Q) Can You Promote To The Community?

No, wealthy affiliate is a no-spam no sell community. It’s against the terms of service for ANY member to spam or sell products or services to the members of wealthy affiliate.

The people that join wealthy affiliate join because they want to learn how to build an online business. Not to be pitched and sold to by other members.

Q) Is Wealthy Affiliate Up To Date?

Yes, it is up to date. Just like other training programs wealthy affiliate updates things regularly.

Now I understand why I get this question. And that’s because if you’re like many people this may not be the first review you’ve read about wealthy affiliate.

I’ve also read other reviews and I found many of them say that wealthy affiliate is out of date. But the information they are talking about is what’s out of date because the review itself is out of date.

And with that said those people need to update their reviews because it is misleading. As for my review, I’m constantly updating it. I want you to be sure you have the latest information about wealthy affiliate so you can make a decision that works for you.

And speaking of updates. Here are the latest wealthy affiliate updates.

Captions – Aug, 31st 2022

All of the training videos now have Captions.


Niche Finder – January 11, 2023

The Niche Finder is the latest tool added to Wealthy Affiliate and is available to all members. You can use the niche finder to find niches in an instant, and also build out ideas within your respective niche business.

niche finder

Intermediate and Advanced AI (artificial intelligence) Training – Nov 30th, 2023

The intermediate and advanced AI training is available to both premium and premium plus members with no less than 100 hours of AI expert classes.

Everything from SEO, content creation, social media, YouTube…you name it, you’re going to have full coverage on these topics, in an “AI + TOPIC” format.

Core Training – Dec 5th, 2023

All of the core training has been updated.

Business Hub – Dec 5th, 2023

This is the coolest update to date and was launched on Dec 5th, 2023. The Bussiness Hub provides you with a centralized platform. From the research to the content creation to the broader management of your business.

Every component has been specifically designed to facilitate the expansion and management of your online business.

AI Writing Platform – Dec 15th, 2023

The AI writing platform includes the AI Designer + AI Author. The AI Designer allows you to create a complete outline of your article. The AI Author will create a high-quality, SEO-ready article.

wealthy affiliate free hub

© 2024 Leo Emery